Episode 22: “The New Mercenaries” by Siegfried Müller

Hank and Bindu take on the memoirs of one of the most controversial and eccentric soldiers of the 20th century. Siegfried Müller was born in 1920 in Germany to an old Prussian millitary family and served with the Wehrmacht during the Second World War. After the war, Müller left his homeland for a fresh start in Africa and after a stint clearing mines in Libya, found himself in the Congo during the early 1960s. He used his previous military experience to serve as a mercenary under the legendary “Mad” Mike Hoare on behalf of the Congolese government against the brutal Simba rebels.The German soldier wearing his Iron Cross proudly in the jungle became an icon of this conflict. Hank and Bindu share the incredible story of a man who fought in some of the fiercest battles in Africa during the Cold War and gained worldwide infamy because of it.


Episode 23: “The Siege of Delhi” by General Sir Charles Reid G.C.B


Episode 21: “The Autobiography of Sir Götz von Berlichingen” by Sir Götz von Berlichingen